TheLox95 Personal Projects

Reddit Clone

A reddit clone PWA maded with React and Ant Mobile design with a backend Express + GraphQL Create post, communities and comments Go to Github

Social Platform

This is a social application where people can register as an expert where he can create experiences as travels, tours or tutorials for people to see and buy or as a client to follow experts, buy their offerings and follow them to be notified when a new offering is created Go to Github

Social platform mobile

Mobile client for my social platform maded with React Native Go to Github

StackExchange App Angular 2+

This is an Angular 2+ app (Angular v5) that use the StackExchange public API

Programming Challenges

This is an Android app made in Java the get the programming challenges from the r/dailyprogrammer reddit thread and show them in a Github CSS style. Includes the capacity to search across the challenges loaded and to save them as For Later, Complete and Favorite


This is an Android app, made with Typescript/Angular 2+ using the Nativescript framework, that load the theme publish on the r/SketchDaily thread an show example images getted from the Google Search API

Node Login With Facebook Login

This is a simple Login page with the capacity to login using your facebook accont

Desktop Google Play Books

The is a desktop client for Google Play Books made with ElectronJs. The books can be read on the web client of Google Play Books or locally after downloaded them.

Desktop Pocket

This is a clone of the Google Chrome App for Pocket made with JavaFX. This app fetch the articles saved on Pocket an make possible search them by tag, name or favorites as well as add new links

Angular Chat

A basic chat app that use my own server made with This chat can be use with my React chat app.

React Chat

A simple chat app maded with React. This app use my own server which was made with This chat can be use with my Angular chat app